WordPress doesn’t allow us to upload all kinds of files in media library, even for the zip files you get error: “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.”
There is a quick way to solve this problem, add this snippet to your functions.php file:
add_filter('upload_mimes', 'add_custom_upload_mimes'); function add_custom_upload_mimes( $existing_mimes ){ $existing_mimes['zip'] = 'application/zip'; return $existing_mimes; }
In this case zip is file type extension and application/zip is MIME Type.
If you want to allow other file types you just need to add them in $exisiting_mimes array.
add_filter('upload_mimes', 'add_custom_upload_mimes'); function add_custom_upload_mimes( $existing_mimes ){ $existing_mimes['zip'] = 'application/zip'; $existing_mimes['swf'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; $existing_mimes['rtf'] = 'text/richtext'; $existing_mimes['tiff'] = 'image/tiff'; return $existing_mimes; }
Regarding MIME Types, you can find them by googling, good place to start can be sitepoint.com reference.